német dog, dog kennel

Folton Folt Kennel


Golden Garlanded Masterbreeding


Last update

Ch Boree-Athos d'Iskandar


Updates and News

(Manolo vd Ofnethöhle × Tariqua d 'Iskandar)


Males, Rüden






Puppies for sale


Litter plans, Studs


Folton Folt litters




 Story of the Kennel


in the ring as an FCI judge








Manolo vd Ofnethöhle Verdi vd Ofnethöhle Lorris Bohemia Abrus
Gina vd Romantische Strasse
Armida Claudia Bohemica Vendetta de Royal Topaz
Claudie Adog
Tariqua d'Iskandar Reyfenateus du Domaine de l'Ange Noir Julius d Iskandar
Okaina de la Bwenjamine
Myakatlane de la Benjamine Jams Dean de la Benjamine
Hiroshima de la Benjamine

© 2013 Folton Folt  kennel


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